After a bit of additional research, it became obvious that we were missing an important component for the fence: heavy (12 gauge) monofilament wire to hold up the fencing. Ordered 666-feet from Trident Enterprises.
There was some discussion online about 8 verses 12 gauge wire. To save money, we settled on the lighter 12 gauge. If you’re using heavy-duty poly fencing, 8 gauge is recommended.
In the meantime, we put up the other three sides of the fencing. It’s lightly tacked in place with staples and plastic tie wraps, so we can adjust it once the wire arrives and we can attach it to the posts. Building and installing the gates took a bit more than a day. We attached 2 by 4 pressure-treated lumber to one of the round corner posts, then planted a 10-foot 4 by 4 and attached a top board to create a seven-foot high by six-foot opening — large enough to drive our small tractor through.
New shoots are popping up in the garden; at least the deer will haveĀ to look elsewhere for their veggies.